
Creator Document Annotations

Test Participants Annotation Creator
Test Driver Annotation Creator
Multiplicity Once for each slide that is annotated


The Annotation Creators document the annotations created to serve as a source of truth when evaluating the Viewer and Annotation User systems.

Evidence Required

  1. See the Appendix:Image and Annotation Description
  2. See the Appendix:Image Metadata for the image metadata required in this test.
  3. See the Appendix:Annotation Metadata for the annotation metadata required in this test.
  4. See the Appendix:Visualization of Annotations


  1. Create a PDF document that describes the image and annotation data per the Image and Annotation Description appendix. Submit that document to the Test Manager for evaluation and distribution to all other participants.
  2. Complete and submit a copy of the Image and Annotation Metadeata spreadsheet to the Test Manager for evaluation and distribution to all other participants
    • Complete the first sheet in the spreadsheet with label Image Metadata _ Create one sheet of Annotation Metadata for each Annotation object that will be submitted in the context of the one original Whole Slide Image.
    • If you intend to submit data created in the context of other WSI data, complete and submit a separate spreadsheet for each Whole Slide Image.
  3. Document how the Annotation objects should be rendered per the description in the Visualization of Annotations appendix. Create a zip of this evidence and submit it to the Test Manager for evaluation and distribution to all other participants.


The first two items are objective. The third item requires more interpretation/nuance.

Appendix Material

Image and Annotation Description

Review of the Annotation objects requires an understanding of the pathology in the original WSI data as well as the Annotation object or objects submitted by the Annotation Creator. In plain text, you will describe what is found in the original slide. This can be as formal as formal as a Pathology Report or as informal as 1-2 sentences that describe the slide. You will also describe what the Annotation objects are intended to specify. You are not required to describe how your software works, including any machine learning models used or developed.

If you are submitting multiple Annotation objects for a single slide image, you will describe the original slide one time and each Annotation object one time.

Image Metadata

Image metadata is required to help test partners identify the WSI data used by Annotation Creator. This section lists the metadata items that will be submitted. You will find these same items listed in Image and Annotation Metadeata spreadsheet.

DICOM Tag Opt Element Name or Other Name
NA R Annotation Creator Organization Name
0008,0020 R Study Date
0008,0050 O Accession Number
0008,0070 R Manufacturer
0008,1090 R Manufacturer’s Model Name
0010,0010 R Patient Name
0010,0020 R Patient ID
0018,1020 R Software Versions
0020,000D R Study Instance UID
0020,000E R Series Instance UID
0020,0010 O Study ID
0020,0011 R Series Number
0048,0013 R Number of Focal Planes (enter 1 if 0048,0013 is not include in image)
0048,0302 R Number of Optical Paths
2200,0002 O Label Text

Annotation Metadata

Annotation metadata is required to help test partners identify the annotations created by Annotation Creator. This section lists the metadata items that will be submitted. You will find these same items listed in Image and Annotation Metadeata spreadsheet.

Some of the items are redundant with metadata values for the original image data. Please do fill those in for completeness.

DICOM Tag Opt Element Name or Other Name
NA R Annotation Creator Organization Name
0008,0020 R Study Date
0008,0050 O Accession Number
0008,0070 R Manufacturer
0008,1090 R Manufacturer’s Model Name
0010,0010 R Patient Name
0010,0020 R Patient ID
0018,1020 R Software Versions
0020,000D R Study Instance UID
0020,000E R Series Instance UID
0020,0010 O Study ID
0020,0011 R Series Number

Visualization of Annotations

The other participants, Test Manager and subject matter experts need to understand what should be considered ground truth for the rendering of the graphic objects found in your Annotation objects. We imagine that the graphic objects will be distributed in the image based on the pathology, and that this distribution may not be uniform. That is, there may be different graphic objects in different sections and/or the density of any given typ of object may vary based on location.

We need the Annotation Creator to assess each Annotation object and provide this information.

  1. Render the image that best fills one computer screen and shows the distribution of graphic objects. This rendering might show many graphic objects that are adjacent and not distinguishable at this magnification. Perform a screen capture at this rendering.
  2. Identify one or more areas that should be of interest for the Viewing applications to render. If the graphic objects are more or less evenly distributed across the slide, you will likely select one area. If there are differences in the graphic objects themselves or significant differences in the density of objects in two or three regions, then identify those three regions. You are welcome to schedule a video conference call with the Test Manager for guidance. Use the tool of your choice to draw boxes/circles/etc. around these areas of interest and label them numerically (1, 2, 3).
  3. Write a brief sentence or two about why these areas are of interest to the other application software. Include the numeric values and any differences between these areas.
  4. Zoom in on the areas of interest, using your own software that continues to show the graphic objects in the Annotation object. As you zoom in, you should see a better version of the slide image and annotation. Create screen captures of these zoomed in images.
  5. Name the files with a convention that identifies the slide, the numeric index (1, 2, 3 …) and the zoom used for rendering. For example: ACME_Image_A_Area_1_Zoom_5.png. Provide levels of zoom that utilize each image in the WSI stack. Do not just provide a view at the lowest zoom and the highest zoom.

The description above assumes you supply a single PDF with the text description and individual screen captures of the rendered images. You could also supply a singlel PDF with both the text and all screen captures.