The 2024 Annotations Connectathon takes place between 2024.02.01 and 2024.06.01 with the goal of reporting results at the 20th European Congress on Digital Pathology: ECDP 2024. This website provides partcipation instructions and necessary resources. Please see 2024 DICOM Annotations Connectathon for background information.
The table below provides generic descriptions with more details provided on the 2024 Annotations Requirements page. Note that slide scanner systems are not considered part of the Connectathon as we assume the participating systems will be supplying their own digital files. Organizations create scanner systems are welcome to collaborate with the other systems listed in the table below.
Actor | Description |
Archive | Stores original digital slides, accepts annotations, provides digital slides and annotations (QIDO-RS, WADO-RS) |
Viewer | Retrieves images and annotations (QIDO-RS, WADO-RS) and renders both images and annotations |
Annotation Creator | Creates annotations and stores them on archive system |
Annotation User | Retrieves images and annotations (QIDO-RS, WADO-RS) and performs some further function with that data |
Date Due | Task |
2024.01.22 | Registration Opens |
2024.02.15 | Registration Closes |
2024.03.08 | Archive systems ready to accept WSI files and Annotation Objects |
2024.03.15 | Annotation Creators submit images, annotations and other evidence |
2024.04.05 | Annotation Viewers submit video evidence of rendered annotations |
2024.04.05 | Annotation Consumers submit description of how they will use annotations |
2024.04.12 | Annotation Consumers submit evidence demonstrating their use of annotations |
2024.04.19 | Test Manager / Subject Matter Expert complete review of video evidence |
2024.04.26 | Online review of Annotaton Viewers and Annotation Users by Test Manaager / Subject Matter Experts as needed. |
2024.05.10 | Internal report for participants |
2024.05.17 | Public report / slides for ECDP |
Please see Participant Registration for details on registration. You can skip the registration overview and proceed directly to the Registration Form.
System specific requirements are found on the Participant Requirements page.
Please see Participant Tasks for a complete list of tasks by participant role.
The list of tests is closely related to the tasks to be performed by the participants. The tests provide a formal description of what is required and how the various systems will be evaluated. Please see Test Index
Please see Reporting for an explanation of results reporting.